RealKM Magazine
From July 2015, I’ve been working as editor and lead writer of RealKM Magazine which has been described as a resource of unparalleled quality, consistency and depth.
From July 2015, I’ve been working as editor and lead writer of RealKM Magazine which has been described as a resource of unparalleled quality, consistency and depth.
From July 2015 to June 2018, I taught at Shanxi University, which is located in Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi Province in northern China.
A large proportion of top knowledge managers appear to have reached this level through following an experience-only route, and this has implications for Chartered Knowledge Manager status.
However, there appears to be a significant gap between this research finding and knowledge management practice.
What do you know about the seven big new things in KM?
Is the Intellectual Dark Web just plain bigoted, or is there more to the story?
Advice for knowledge management (KM) practitioners.
Four examples of questionable science from a popular social media science news feed.
In the wake of the arrest of two black men in a Starbucks store, the Philadelphia Police Commissioner and Starbucks CEO have spoken of their support for unconscious bias training (UBT). But does UBT actually work?
Recommendations are made to assist the implementation of the KM standard, following its expected publication in January 2019.