Teddington Weir Vineforest Project

Teddington Weir, located near the Queensland city of Maryborough, was selected as a demonstration site for the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) South-East Queensland Vineforests Project. As a public recreation area, Teddington Weir represented an outstanding location for educating the public about dry rainforest conservation issues and the Vineforests Project. The Weir supplies Maryborough’s water supply, and is a popular recreation area for the residents of Maryborough and surrounding districts.

The vineforest communities at Teddington Weir feature high species diversity, including a range of rare and threatened species. Present are the endangered species Cossinia australiana, and the vulnerable species Fontainea rostrata, Quassia bidwillii, and Xanthostemon oppositifolius. Xanthostemon oppositifolius is the only one of these species currently protected in conservation reserves.

The Wide Bay Burnett Electricity Corporation sponsored the Teddington Weir Vineforest Project, involving insulating the powerline cable in the section of the easement passing through the vineforest, replanting in the easement, and the construction of an interpretive walking trail. The trail construction and initial replanting was carried out by Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA) and an official opening ceremony was held.

Media story – Teddington Weir Vineforest Project, Channel 7